Alien Kitty Ears - Free
had a bit of a itch to model something. I also have been very obsessed with alien themed things :>
Enjoy these free Ears!
Polygons: 11,086
Materials: 1
Has 3 Root bones, for upper whiskers, lower whiskers, and ears.
When setting up the physbones for the ears, set the multi child type to 'average' and make sure the endpoint position for Y is set to something like '0.02' or whatever works best depending on your model.
You might not have to do this setup, but if the physbones arent working properly, this should fix it.
Also comes with several color options for fun!
- Can be used on free, sold, or public models, idc.
- Do not resell, claim as yours, etc.
- Do not edit and resell/claim as yours
- Cannot be used for any crypto/NFT stuff