Strawbunny Swirl - PC & Quest - SFW
This product was originally on my Payhip, and was made in 2023. Please keep this in mind as newer Unity versions or add-ons may not be supported.
Strawbunny Swirl
A sugary sweet bunny girl with a pastel cottagecore inspired outfit. Has mostly made from scratch assets for a fully unique avatar, a cute follower, and lots of toggles to express yourself with!
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Dissolve toggle for Blouse, Shorts, Leg Warmers, Ears, Tail, Hair Clips, and Rings
Toggle for Bunny/Human Feet, Braided Hair and Short Hair, Paw Print Trail, and Bunny Follower
Radial Puppet for Eye, Outfit, Ears/Tail, and Hair Hue
Radial Wheel for different Hair Materials of different Pink shades.
Radial Puppet for Skin Shade
Material Toggle for White & Pink or Pink & White Shorts
Material Toggle for Pink or White Blouse
Material Radial Wheel to make Ears Red > Pink > White
Material Radial Wheel to make Tail White > Pink and White > Pink
*Hue Slider applies to all colored materials
5 Left Hand Gestures
Open Hand - Sleep
Fist - Angry
Finger Point - Sad
Victory - Wink
Thumbs Up - Happy
Head Pat with Heart Particles and >w< Face
Nose Boop with Particles and Blep Face
Cute paw print trail that interacts whenever you put your foot down!
All are Toggleable
Bunny Follower
Size, Saturation, and Hue Radial Puppets
They are pickupable <3
Comes with GoGo Loco
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PC Performance
Overall: Very Poor
Polygons - 221,877
Texture Memory - 218 MB
Skinned Meshes - 12
Material Slots - 43
Physbone Components - 21
Particle Systems - 14
Avatar Size - 46 MB
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Quest Features
Toggle for Blouse, Shorts, Leg Warmers, Short/Long Hair, Human/Bunny Feet, Rings, Ears, and Tail
Material Swap for Pink/White Blouse, Pink/White Hair, and Pink/White Shorts.
Material Wheel for Red, Pink, and White Ears / White, Pink and White, and Pink Tail / and 5 Skin Shades.
5 Left Hand Gestures
Open Hand - Sleep
Fist - Angry
Finger Point - Sad
Victory - Wink
Thumbs Up - Happy
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Quest Performance
Overall: Very Poor
Polygons - 223,034
Texture Memory - 9.5 MB
Skinned Meshes - 14
Material Slots - 35
Physbone Components - 6
Avatar Size - 6.29 MB
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PC Import
- Make a New Project with VCC
- With VCC, import poiyomi shaders 8.1 or higher.
- In VCC, import the latest VRCFury & Gesture Manager
- Import Avatar Package, test everything with Gesture Manager just in case!
- Upload and Enjoy!
Quest Import
- Make a New Project with VCC
- Import Avatar Package
- Set Build Target to Quest, Upload and Enjoy!
This Avatar uses WD ON Toggles, make sure WD are set to ON with the VRLabs Avatar 3.0 Manager, or toggles WONT work.
VRCFury MUST be installed or GoGo Loco and other toggles will not work for PC!
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Terms of Service
- You may not upload this avatar as public on VRChat!ο»Ώ
- You are under no circumstances to share this avatar package with anyone for any reason.
- You may not take any of the assets off of this avatar and use it for either commercial/private use!
- Absolutely do not claim this avatar as yours/Upload it to an avatar world, even if edited!
- Do not upload this avatar package to sites where others may be able to download it!
- Do not claim you made this avatar/anything on it, in any way. (Unless you're one of the creators credited, ofc)
Use this avatar responsibly, as you should with every avatar!
Anyone found breaking TOS will be blacklisted from my store and server.
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Body/Head - Zinpia (Body Mesh is Edited to be SFW)
Face Texture/ Extra Matcaps - Sivka - Edited
Long Hair - Hungryyy - Edited
Hair Texture - CicieaaaVR
Rings - SockEmBopEm , iwasdeleted , and Rommi
Hair Clips - rinebean and Moonlight peach
Everything else - From scratch by me <3
Fake Index Hands - snoww
Bunny Follower - Setup from hfcReds Among Us Follower, but bunny model and animation by me
Paw Prints - MARU_
GoGo Loco - franada
poiyomi shaders - poiyomi
Special Thanks
Huge thank you to mintten and iresxsx for helping me with in game testing AND the showcase photos and gifs!! You guys were both amazing <3
Also thanks to Dery for helping me with Quest conversion!
And a huge thanks to everyone in my server and all my customers for the amazing support, love you all <3
Join my server, where I host giveaways, have server exclusive and nitro exclusive assets, and have tutorials for modeling and creating avatars <3
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Unity File