Profile PictureOliverVRC

Male Hair Pack 3 - Free

141 ratings
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Male Hair Pack 3 - Free

141 ratings

Here is the third free male hair pack! This one was fun to make, I wanted to try a go at using hair cards and not 3D strands, and adding more detail with less polygons all at the same time!

I also have a poc free male hair pack in the works, as well as remakes of my last two hair packs in the future + a lot of other cool projects I am working on! So look forwards to that in the future!

I do recommend using a bald/shave cap for these hairs for the most optimal look!

There is a video in the showcase showing how all 3 hairs look with physbones, and if you want the physbones settings, there is a screenshot of it included in the folder! Feel free to mess with the settings provided, as I like my hair physics to be more subtle and stiff.

These are 2D cards, therefore these hairs are not optimal for Quest models with no cull.

These hairs are fit to 23Mink's male head. Its shown in showcase and NOT included.
If you like the head and want it, grab it here

You can get the hair textures I used here

Every hair has only one mesh and material, as well as a Hair Root bone instead of a head bone.

Windswept Hair (Upper Left):
Polygons - 8,959
Bones - 24

Droopy Side Parted Hair(Center Bottom):
Polygons - 7,220
Bones - 19

Droopy Hair(Upper Right):
Polygons - 6,956
Bones - 12

I hope that you all enjoy!!

Must credit me by linking this page or my store page, and my name, using hyperlink (or just my name followed by link idc)

Allowed on sold, free, and public avatars.

Do not claim as yours or resell, these assets are free, dont scam people :)

Do not edit and resell in any way.


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